Pubg map
Pubg map

pubg map

The last challenge was bullet penetration, this feature isn't everywhere due to the fact that it's quite an overpowered feature. The next challenge were the breach walls because breachable walls were tough visually to design since PUBG is based in realism so they didn't want to have a big cartoony space in the wall so they designed it in a way to balance realism though keeping it where you knew and can distinguish what walls are breakable. Tools from Maya and Houdini let them create the destroyed shells of the buildings a lot faster. Each building has a demolished version of itself so PUBG Corp had to develop new procedures and pipelines in order to create all this new art. It’s small, fast, and dangerous: Expect the tension of Miramar combined with the pace of Sanhok.ĭesigning the Black Zone came with a lot of technical challenges, Karakin buildings compared to buildings on other maps. It’s an arid, rocky environment that provides wide-open terrain and challenging engagements.


There are so many examples of successful full games such as Pokemon Go, Minecraft, Candy Crush, Call of Duty, and PUBG.Instead of the normal 100 player battles that takes place on other islands, this island only features 64 players.

pubg map

Mobile games are continuously growing and taking advantage of improved Smartphone capabilities. Therefore, mobile online gaming is increasing in demand compared to consoles and desktops. Although the list of such mobile gaming trends is not limited, you can use so many other tools & technology, or features in your mobile games that can help your app to stand out and attract more audience. These were some of the trends that the Mobile game development company can use. These vehicles are big in size and are wonderful for both covering and transport purposes. New Vehiclesīeta version of PUBG 0.8.0 will introduce with two vehicles that called UAZ and Muscle car. New Weapon: QBZīeta version of 0.8.0 PUBG game will approach with a new bludgeon a new assault rifle QBZ which uses 5.56 mm shells and will be a proxy of Scar-L. It will come with the capacity to air dropped the 100 players in the standard mode of a game which would add spice things into the game and make it more interesting among players. Sonhok is one-quarter of other maps in a game because it is 4.4 x 4.4 km in area. It is based on forests of South East Asia with this help, players can see the way easily. PUBG 0.8.0 version will come with a new map that called sonhok.


Let’s take a view on the features and update version game- New Map: Sonhok In this article, we are going to tell you about the coming new features and improvements of PUBG modernize version 0.8.0. It is predictable that new 0.8.0 will come with new maps, stick, vehicles and other improvements which can increase its popularity and download. PUBG is an online multiplayer battle royal game where many players parachute onto the battlefield and they get there many weapons and vehicles and win the match by killing all players. Seeing its recognition, the new version PUBG 0.8.0 will be launched till end September which adds a bunch of new and advanced features to ensure better user skill. So, it can be said that not only men but also women are mad for this amazing and creativity full online game. According to the data, it is moreover revealed that 30 % of PUBG mobile US player are women.


According to android headlines, the reputation of this game has reached 3.1 million from its 1.7 million from androids.


Automatic upgrade looting, automatic sprinting, bots, log in blouses and other features make this PUBG mobile game more popular among the game lovers.


Almost online games need a code for playing with other player but there is no special invite code want at launch in PUBG. This online game comes with a lot of features with this help the user feel natural on mobile devices. In March of this year, PUGB corporation launched player Unknown’s battlegrounds- is a multiplayer batter royale online game for both Android and iOS. Various multiplayer online games such as Racers Vs Cops, Badminton league, crazy racing, and Terraria came for Android, iPhone, and desktops which is highly treasured by kids and youth.

pubg map

In today’s savvy world, Android and iPhone games hit a new height of achievement every year. So, game apps on mobile have been developing at a far larger rate than any other technology. According to an inspection, it has been proven that millions of Android mobile users love to spend their time playing an online game on your mobiles and desktops.

Pubg map